Woke — Stay Relevant Part 2

quick recap of what transpired in Part 1.

Gerard lost his job during the Covid crisis and at 58 years old realized that he had lost his identity as well. He was not wanted in the company and he did not know what to do next. We chatted and my main message to him was that he needed to stay relevant. But first, he needed to disconnect and experience life without the corporate umbrella.

Fast forward to six months into the future.

Gerard had learnt to experience life away from a corporate job. He had started practicing Tai-Chi and enjoyed taking long walks. He and his wife watched Korean soap operas in the middle of the day. He was able to catch up with friends for lunch. He and his wife had relooked at their lifestyle and reworked their monthly household budget. Life had slowed down.

He had taken the first turn on the Flywheel to Staying Relevant.


Accept your circumstances


Accept who you are.

He had accepted that he could not work in another company...

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